I recently bought a journal, and I've started journaling. I wish I started earlier. I can't see myself re-reading what I wrote too often, but just the act of writing really helps in terms of slowing down my thoughts, and forcing me to be more introspective. It also puts me into a mindset that is more conducive to prayer and meditation, both of which are things that I've been struggling to do. This probably means I will be writing on this blog less often than I already am.
you should keep an electronic journal. i used to journal manually until i got so frustrated because my thoughts were WAY faster than i could write them down, but with typing, it's MUCH closer a match in speed (and therefore, much less frustrating). just password protect it :)
but... I type too fast. I kinda like how a journal forces me to slow down. a lot :) I might consider going electronic if this whole written thing doesn't work out. e.g. if it gives me carpal tunnel :O
man no! keep updating! they're not mutually exclusive... all the people i'm following are not updating anymore and it makes me sad
also i LOVE JOURNALING. i agree it makes you slow down.
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