Monday, July 19, 2010


You know how some people say it's easy to be a practical atheist? I think the term practical deist is much more apt. I still go through the motions (something an atheist doesn't do), but do I really believe in God's power to affect my day to day life?

E.g. if I really believed in the power of prayer, not only would I pray (a lot) more, I'd ask people to pray for me more. A lot of times, I'm hesitant to ask people to pray for me because I feel like I'm being a burden by asking them to do so. But maybe 1) this is because I find praying for other people to be a burden sometimes and 2) it's okay that it's a burden, because we're called to bear other people's burdens?

p.s. I am totally guilty of saying I'll pray for someone, and then completely forgetting later on. More often, though, I'll make up a 5 second prayer in my head just so I can tell myself I didn't break any promises. I'm a horrible person, I know.

On a somewhat related note, someone mentioned how a lot of theologians will say that God can affect nature (storms, hurricanes, etc) but that he cannot affect anything related to human will. And if you believe that, you might as well be a deist, because 90+% of our lives are affected by our own decisions and the decisions of others (e.g. the placement of roads, choice of schools to attend, etc.). And I guess I never believed that on an intellectual level (don't we pray that his will will be ours? something we cannot accomplish on our own), but practically, I fall into that mentality a lot.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


There's a guy living in the hatch thing!

Man, I'm way behind, huh? It's like that xkcd about Portal. Oh well...