Saturday, August 13, 2011


When you have your first child, you think... how can I ever love someone more? But when your second child comes, you realize your love isn't divided between the two of them. With another child comes a greater capacity for love, enough to encompass the both of them.

(paraphrased, obviously :p)

The analogy of God as our Father is apt in this sense, and many more I imagine.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Getting married is like applying a sticker to a sticker board; and getting divorced is like peeling it off. The sticker clings best the first time. Afterwards, it's never the same, and the sticker is easier to peel off on subsequent tries. Soon, you've given up on love. And by the 3rd or 4th marriage, you're just looking for companionship, really. Not the sort of love you first envisioned. It's never, never, the same. So get it right the first time. Pray, a lot.
