Sunday, October 9, 2011


Somewhat related to my last post. Being surrounded by yay-sayers can really make you super defensive.

When I lived at home, I could always count on my mom to point out all my flaws. And when she didn't, I could count on my sisters to pick up the slack :P But for the past, I don't know, few years (?) I haven't had anyone point out an area where I really need to step it up. In fact, I've been getting a few compliments here and there, too :) Which is nice. No more nagging, less exasperation.

Plausible explanations:
1) I was perfect all along and my family was being too picky.
2) I'm still flawed, I'm just no longer aware of my flaws.

You can probably guess which one is true... Whereas before, it was a constant struggle to take in all of the criticisms, I was struggling. Now, I live pretty comfortably. I identify my own faults, ask for prayer, and that's the extent of my conviction.

But someone recently has been really, truly, confronting me about deficiencies in my life. In an uncomfortable way. And my first reaction was, who are you to be questioning what I do? People who know me better than you think I'm alright, isn't it pretty presumptuous of you to assume that I'm not? You don't know me.

And I still think that my complaints are valid. But here's the kicker. It doesn't matter. Truth is truth even if it comes from the mouth of a donkey. The person speaking truth may be 10x more horrible than you are, but who he is has no bearing on the validity of his statements. And some of the statements I've been hearing recently have really stung, because, I think, deep down I know they're true. My first reaction was to criticize back, but really, criticisms are a gift, and should not be spurned so easily.

I need to be more humble.

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