Saturday, March 28, 2009


Visit weekends are tiring. There is also a lot of pressure to go to the school... I mean, pressure may be the wrong word. It's just that when you start meeting people, and you get to know them, and they are set on going, it's sad to think that if you decide not to go there you might never see these people ever again :(

Something a professor said (paraphrased):
"After working together long hours for many months with the same grad students in your group, you feel like you should all be close. But the real close-ness comes when you go to conferences together. You're surrounded by people from other schools, and all of a sudden the similarities you have with the grad students in your group (i.e. the fact that you go to the same school) override the differences you have with them."

This weekend, I was with two other students from Princeton (one an undergrad that I had never really talked to before, and the other a grad student that I happened to have one class with). I barely knew them, but the other prospective grad students couldn't tell :)

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