Friday, August 1, 2008


You never realize how much your parents take care of you until you start living on your own, huh? Well, this summer I feel like I must have missed at least a couple meals every week (either out of laziness or forgetfulness). And I realized, that after you eat, you can be a completely different person than who you were when you were hungry.

Being hungry (or tired) puts you in such a different mood. It's so much easier to be nice, happy, and generally good-natured after you eat. Isn't it interesting that so much of who we are depends on our physical circumstances (and others besides)? Then how can we boast in our own virtue when it is so often circumstantial? And how can we judge others without knowing their circumstance?

Anyway (no s this time :P), tomorrow I move. Moving is so much easier when you hardly own anything. My roommmate had to buy another suitcase for all the stuff he bought in NY :(

p.s. I sat next to Larry Summers at lunch about a week ago! You can find his signature on some of the dollar bills in circulation :)

1 comment:

Jocelyn said...

hey darlingbabe-brother! :D :D :D
erm so yeah, haven't been here in a while, and missing you, and you're coming back on saturday hooray!
anyway totallys agree w/your statement... we are so governed by our physical desires... :sigh:
anyway larry summers sounds familiar... but i'm not sure if i know who he is... some politician of some sort. but he's on some dollar bills so that's gotta be pretty nifty
and last anyway: I'M GLAD YOU LEFT OUT THE S! whoopee!!

and yeah... OLYMPICS MAN!! I <3 michael phelps, oh and i just wanted to tell you you're invited to my wedding to him... hehe. as big brother, i hope you approve.

so that's my spiel (sp?)! see you in a few days big bro :]
