Saturday, July 5, 2008

beef imports

Hrmmm... I eat American beef, and I haven't gotten mad cow disease (I hope I didn't just jinx myself haha). But seriously, Americans find it safe to eat U.S. beef. I feel like the protests are almost a slap in the face.

I think it's more a matter of Korean farmers wanting to keep competition out. Or maybe it's just a front for Koreans to air other grievances. And I guess these are legitimate concerns that the government should consider.

But 50,000 protesters holding signs with references to mad cow disease? Protest against human trafficking, protest against world hunger... but protest against something worth protesting about?


Dennis said...

I love Korea. Korea is supreme. Do not insult our government. Go Korea live forever in my heart!!!

I don't know enough about the situation over there but you're right. Those are some huge protests. Almost as many people who watched the World Cup in 2002.

sumin said...

I wish I could comment, but my current internship does not allow me to be indiscrete, especially on a work computer. So I'll settle for: I wish I could comment, even though this is kind of old, and maybe one day we can talk about it.

Hope you're having a great summer :)